We use only natural grain and seed cultures and spices, and strains of lactic acid, bifid, yoghurt and other strains.
Bactohouse products contain up to 150 billion good bacteria. So taking 1-2 tablespoons a day will give you a significant dose of good bacteria, and one packet will last you 2-4 weeks.
We recommend taking 1-2 tablespoons with or immediately after each meal.
Yes, our products are perfect for children. For children aged 1 to 3 years, 5 ml twice, up to a maximum of 15 ml daily, is recommended. For children aged 3 to 10 years, 10 ml 3 times, up to a maximum of 35 ml/day. For children aged 10 years and over and adults, 15 ml 3 times up to a maximum of 50 ml/day is recommended. It is recommended to take with or immediately after a meal.
Children prefer the original, grapefruit, cinnamon or vanilla flavors.
We can ship products to European countries to the address you specify by ordering at www.BactoHouse.eu or by sending an email to info@fermentuotas.lt.
Unpasteurised Bactohouse products are valid for 2 years from the date of production and can be used and stored for up to 12 months once opened, so feel free to order larger quantities. Once opened, keep cool, preferably in the fridge, tightly sealed.
Quality and more quality! Our products are unique in their taste, smell and abundance of good bacteria, thanks to our ability to control technological processes.
The company has a process control system in place during the fementation process, which guarantees a safe final product.
We are the only company on the market that carries out so many tests, thus ensuring the quality of the product by means of periodic self-monitoring. Low-quality and unsafe products can occur on the market. It is not enough to ferment. To control the species composition of the bacteria, the processes must be closely monitored, observed and studied. In the event of the slightest deviation, the technology is immediately adjusted and improved. We guarantee the stability, safety and quality of our products.
“An amazing product. It’s only my second week of use, but I can already feel the improvement. The constant bloating, aches and pains and stomach acidity have reduced. I will definitely continue to take it. Thank you very much!”
“Thank you for this product. It is a miraculous goodness. My loved one has been diagnosed with a serious disease in the body. And this product helps her to digest her food and adds many beneficial substances.”
“We tried it, we loved it. Intestinal problems after childbirth were resolved within a week of starting”