“An amazing product. It’s only my second week of use, but I can already feel the improvement. The constant bloating, aches and pains and stomach acidity have reduced. I will definitely continue to take it. Thank you very much!”
“Thank you for this product. It is a miraculous goodness. My loved one has been diagnosed with a serious disease in the body. And this product helps her to digest her food and adds many beneficial substances.”
“We tried it, we loved it. Intestinal problems after childbirth were resolved within a week of starting”
“Product discovery! You get used to the taste and find the one that suits you best. Anyone wishing to start using it should feel free to contact the manufacturers and only they will give detailed information. The communication is very warm, non-intrusive and non-exaggerating. I wish everyone to make their own discoveries!”
“A great natural product, pleasant and easy to use, which has helped to eliminate many intestinal problems and has been particularly useful in the care of several elderly people with various ailments. We have tested it over a few months and have been very satisfied. We wish everyone to discover it!”
“Must have product in our family ! Not a day goes by without it, from kindergarten to grandparents. In food, in the nose, on the skin and after antibiotics – for ALL WAYS OF LIFE. It’s just a pity we didn’t find you sooner. We highly recommend not to be afraid to experiment with flavours -your news is something unreal! The children are asking for the most delicious lemonade”
“I’ve been using fermented products from Mémel for three months and I’m very happy with it. Already in the first week I felt positive changes in my body. I had a surprising burst of energy, and my digestive disorders and allergies to certain foods were reduced.”
“My experience is that 3 kg are gone, the desire to “eat” is gone, the portions are smaller. The craving for morning coffee is gone – I don’t drink at all, and I don’t crave sweets either. I have some constipation – but I think that’s where the stress comes in. But other than that, I feel more invigorated, so I want to keep on drinking.”
“I’m only on the 4th day of drinking the oat ferment, and I’ve felt a joy of life, a sense of happiness. And most importantly, my body started to tolerate different foods, because I was only eating porridge . My face looks younger, pinker. I will continue to use it and observe the changes in my body. Thank you!”
“I am very happy to have discovered this oat drink. I drink it, and so does my daughter, who has had a bone marrow transplant. Her intestines were completely out of balance from chemotherapy and various drugs. It was very distressing and now it is getting better and better, and I can really feel the improvement. The abdominal distension is getting less and less. And I have all sorts of problems with my stomach myself, which I feel have been sorted out since I started taking this drink. I am very happy about this miracle.
“I have been using this product for three months. In that time, the facial rash has disappeared, the wounds have healed and the swelling – burning in the mouth from reflux – has gone, the painful lymph nodes under the jaw have disappeared, the craving for sweets has decreased, I have more energy, a feeling of lightness in my stomach, digestive problems have been resolved, I have had an uplift in mood and weight loss. Thank you for such a wonderful product. A real refreshment for body and soul. It is worth trying and seeing for yourself this wonderful body cleansing ‘broom’.”
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